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Class 3

Class 3 is a mixed-age, Year 3 / 4 class.  Our teachers are Mrs Brocklesby and Mrs Sellers with Mrs Ward as our teaching assistant. Our class and school motto is to "Strive to Shine".

This class page is designed to give a brief overview of what we are covering in class. We share more detailed information about what we get up to using the Class Dojo app. Parents can request login details via their child's class teacher.

Class 3 Topics

Our Topics 2024-2025:

Autumn Term 1 2024:
'Know your Place: Chesterfield'

This term we are completing a whole school topic called - Know your Place.  This will involve each class studying an area or aspect of the area around school.  We will build on the work from Class 1 and 2 (about Scarcliffe and Bolsover) and will broaden our focus to Chesterfield.  I am sure you have all been shopping and had meals in Chesterfield, but I am sure we can teach you a few things you didn't already know. 

In this topic, we will be learning:

  • Where Chesterfield is in the World and is proximity to other known areas. 
  • Ordnance Survey symbols and how we can use these to locate places in Chesterfield. 
  • Some of the key physical and human features of Chesterfield. 
  • The history of Chesterfield Canal.
  • The life of George Stevenson and his impact on Chesterfield. 
  • How we can improve our local areas - including an art unit.  

Below is a knowledge organiser about this topic.  It shows the important information we expect you to learn and remember about the topic.

Knowledge Organiser - Chesterfield


In maths this term, we are learning about place value. This includes:

  • Recognising, reading and writing numbers up to 1000 (year 3).
  • Recognising, reading and writing numbers up to 10,000 (year 4).
  • Counting in 25's, 50's, 100's and 1000's.
  • Finding numbers 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or less than a given number.
  • Comparing and ordering numbers.
  • Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
  • Recognising negative numbers.

We are also focussing on learning our times-tables up to 12x12. Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic website that we regularly use to practice our times-tables.

Times Table Rockstars

Times Table Rock Stars Wings Logo


In science this term, we are learning about magnets and forces. Here is the knowledge organiser for this term.

Other subjects


This term, our chosen media is paint. We are learning about mixing colours, making tones and tints and designing posters using bold lettering.


We have two PE lessons per week. Building on the work in class 2, we are learning about footwork, movement patterns and single leg balances.


This term, we are working alongside the Derbyshire Music Partnership to learn to play the ukulele. 


In RE, we are learning about Hinduism and what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.  Below is the knowledge organiser to show what we will be learning this term during RE lessons. 


During PSHE lessons, class 3 are learning about exploring their own emotions and how to manage their emotions in different situations.


This term, we are learning about countries that speak French, reading, writing and reciting numbers, dates and the weather. 

Autumn Term 2 2024:
'Stone Age to Iron Age'

This half term we are learning all about life in the Stone Ages through to the Iron Age.  We will be completing this time travelling topic in chronological order - exploring how discoveries and inventions changed the way early humans lived.  

We will learn:

  • When each of the periods of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age was. 
  • About the three eras the Stone Age was split in to. 
  • The sorts of weapons what were used in each time period (and what they were made of). 
  • The types of homes people had. 
  • About how these time periods fit alongside other known time periods. 

Knowledge Organiser - Stone Age to Iron Age



In maths this term, we will be learning all about addition and subtraction. This includes the following:

  • Adding and subtracting 1's, 10's and 100's.
  • Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers using mental and written methods (with and without exchanging).
  • Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers using mental and written methods (with and without exchanging). 
  • Solving problems involving addition and subtraction.

We are also continuing to focus on learning our times-tables up to 12x12. Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic website that we regularly use to practice our times-tables.

Times Table Rock Stars Wings Logo


In science this term, we are learning all about sound. More information to follow.

Other subjects

The arts

This term, we will be focussing on music and drama. We will be rehearsing for our school play, 'Alibaba and the Bongo Bandits.'

We will also be learning songs to perform in our play, which will include singing in harmony, parts and in ensemble. 


We have two PE lessons per week. We will be learning about jumping, landing and balances in one lesson per week and dance in the other lesson.


This term, we are working alongside the Derbyshire Music Partnership to learn to play the ukulele. 


In RE, we are learning about Hinduism and what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.  Below is the knowledge organiser to show what we will be learning this term during RE lessons. 


During PSHE lessons, class 3 are learning about bullying and what bullying is.


This term, we are learning about Christmas celebrations in France.

Spring Term 1 2025:
'Traders and Raiders - Romans'

This term we will be learning all about the Ancient Romans and the invasions of Britain.

We will learn about:

  • Life in Ancient Rome.
  • Ancient Roman emperors.
  • Roman baths.
  • Life in the Roman army.
  • The Roman empire.
  • Why the Romans invaded Britain and what happened.

Knowledge Organiser - The Romans


In maths this term, we will be learning about multiplication and division. This will include the following:

  • Counting in multiples up to 12x12
  • Multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0.
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
  • Mental and written methods of multiplication.

We are also continuing to focus on learning our times-tables up to 12x12. Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic website that we regularly use to practice our times-tables.

Times Table Rock Stars Wings Logo


This term, we will be learning about living things and their habitats, including learning about branching databases in computing to enhance our science lessons.

Other Subjects


This term, we will be learning about digital imagery - recording video clips and sound when making our own animations.


This term, we are working alongside the Derbyshire Music Partnership to learn to play the ukulele. 


In RE, we are learning about Christianity and why Jesus is inspiring to some people.


We have two PE lessons per week. We will be learning about dynamic balances and ball skills in one lesson per week and gymnastics in the other lesson.


This term, we will be learning all about animals.


Spring Term 2 2025:
'Traders and Raiders - Romans & Volcanoes'

TSee the source imagehis term our topic is Romans and Volcanoes

It's a mixture of history and geography, following on nicely from last term's topic, 'The Ancient Romans'.

We will be learning about the following:

  • Why the Romans left Britain and the legacy that they left behind.
  • The world's most famous volcanoes.
  • How a volcano is formed.
  • What happens to the lives of people who live near volcanoes.
  • The story of Pompeii and how we know about events from the past.
  • Designing, making and evaluating clay pots.

Knowledge Organiser - Romans and Volcanoes



In maths this term, we are learning about fractions. This will include:

  • Understanding the denominators of unit fractions and the numerators of non-unit fractions.
  • Comparing and ordering fractions (unit and non-unit).
  • Understanding the whole.
  • Counting in fractions.
  • Identifying equivalent fractions.
  • Solving problems involving fractions.

We are also focussing on learning our times-tables up to 12x12. Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic website that we regularly use to practice our times-tables.

Times Table Rockstars

Times Table Rock Stars Wings Logo



Summer Term 1 2025:
'Mega Cities vs Quiet Villages'

This term our topic is called Mega Cities vs Quiet Villages.

We will be learning all about the differences between villages, towns, cities and Mega cities; going for a walk around our local area and virtual walks around cities and Mega cities. We will also be learning about nets and folding in D&T, where we will build up to making our own paper city. 

In English, we will learn about poetry and write shape poems all about cities. We will also present these using Book Creator on the Ipads and they will form a background to our paper city.

Knowledge Organiser - Mega Cities vs Quiet Villages


Summer Term 2 2025:
'Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds'

This term, our topic is called Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds.

We are learning all about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle and why it is important. It's an exciting term with lots of things coming up.

Here is a taster of some of the things that we will learn and experience:

  • We will become journalists in English.
  • We will become chefs in D&T.
  • We will learn all about mental health, physical health and nutrition.
  • We will get active and take part in lots of fun activities: skipping, golf, the junior gym, athletics, climbing, dancing and wheelchair basket ball! 
  • We will also have weekly lessons with our sport's coach from Change 4 Life where we will learn more about keeping fit and eating healthily.

Knowledge Organiser - Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

Our Topics 2025-2026:

Autumn Term 1 2025:
'Who makes the rules?’

This term, our topic is called, 'Who makes the rules? The monarchy.'

We are learning all about monarchs, their role in parliament and the ways in which some monarchs have shaped British history. We will choose one monarch to be come a case study. We will research this monarch further and develop character descriptions based on what we find out.

Knowledge Organiser – Who Makes The Rules?

Autumn Term 2 2025:
‘Improve Our World’

This term, our topic is called, 'Improve our word. The problem with plastic.'

We are learning all about why plastic is useful and popular, the problems that plastics cause in the environment and what we and others can do to help to reduce the use of plastic.

As well as learning about helping the environment, this term has a writing focus. We will take inspiration from books such as Flotsam by David Weisner and A Planet Full of Plastic by Neal Layton to inspire story telling and descriptive writing.

Spring Term 1 2026:
‘Living in the Past - Egypt'

This term, we are learning all about the Ancient Egyptians.

We will learn about the first civilisations, when and where they were; about the culture of Ancient Egyptian life; write instruction texts to explain how the Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead; find out about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb and write diary entries to describe the feelings involved when making such a discovery.

Some of our other learning will involve: continuing learning to play the ukulele; designing and making bird feeders from recycled materials; dance; and states of matter in science.

Knowledge Organiser - Living in the past

Spring Term 2 2026 & Summer Term 1 2026:
‘Latin America’

In both terms, our topic is Latin America. In Spring Term 2, we learn all about South America, it's geography, key features and about the culture in Brazil. In Summer Term 1, we move onto learning about the geography of Central America with a particular focus on learning about the Mayans.

As part of our learning, we will work towards presenting our very own travel show where we will use persuasive techniques, presentation and computing skills to advertise a journey around Latin America.

Summer 1 is also a busy term in terms of sport as the year 5's continue with swimming and visits to Pleasley Vale, all of Class 3 taking part in weekly Eatwell Playwell sessions, and all juniors attending a residential at Whitehall.

Knowledge Organiser – Latin America 1: South America

Knowledge Organiser – Latin America 2: Central America

Summer Term 2 2026:

This term, our topic is all about Africa. We will be learning about the geography and culture of Africa, significant people and more. There are lots of exciting events planned for this term too from a trip to the Derby Open centre, to an African drumming workshop and numerous sporting opportunities which are coming up.

Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.

Knowledge Organiser - Africa