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Our PE Curriculum

PE is supporting children to become competent, confident and active children for life while learning about the importance of health and fitness.  

Our Definition of PE

Who leads PE and what is their vision?

The PE leader at our school is Hannah Brocklesby - who is also the class teacher in Class 3.  For further information about the PE curriculum, or for other support, she can be contacted via email.  As well as curriculum PE, we have lots of events and activities under the banner of school sport.  School Sport is co-ordinated by Jack Horton (

The subject leader's vision for PE is to ensure that every child leaves our school with a thorough understanding about the importance of leading active and healthy lifestyles and how they can achieve this.  We want all children to have positive experiences in relation to PE lessons in school.  We aim to ensure that every single child has the opportunity to represent our school in sports tournaments and festivals.  

Ultimately, the aim is for children to leave our school with a real love of sports, PE and to be healthy and active. 

Links to our core abilities

We have identified seven core abilities that we hope to develop through our curriculum offer.  

  • Questioning and curiosity
  • Critical thinking and open-mindedness
  • Perseverance and resilience
  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Team work
  • Creativity 

We can develop many of these core abilities through effective PE teaching, but we particularly focus on developing perseverance and resilience, communication, independence, team work and creativity. 

PE Curriculum Intent

At Scarcliffe Primary School, we have five main intents that we hope to deliver through our PE curriculum:

  1. To be able to use fundamental movement skills effectively to have a positive influence in games.
  2. To create and perform high quality dances to an audience.
  3. To control movements to create high quality gymnastic sequences.
  4. To be able to run, jump and throw effectively in athletic activities.
  5. To be able to swim and be safe in water.

Our curriculum intent document for PE (see below) shows how these areas are developed progressively during a pupil’s time at Scarcliffe.  We are confident that our curriculum prepares pupils for Key Stage 3.

SPS PE Curriculum Intent V4

How is PE Implemented?

PE is delivered by class teachers in dedicated lessons each week.  

Each class has two hours of PE every week.  Typically, one of the lessons is based on games and fundamental movements and one is based around either gymnastics, dance or swimming.  

Teachers base their lessons around planning from REAL PE.  This ensures that learning is progressive and enables staff to stretch and challenge all pupils.  More information about REAL PE can be found by watching the short video below.

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Teachers may choose to adapt lesson structures to meet the needs of their pupils, but typical lessons in PE have the following components:

- Warm up

- Skill development

- Game

- Review

The lessons and units help children to develop the knowledge and skills they need to master the fundamentals of PE.  These are known as cogs.  The image below identifies these cogs.  

Swimming Lessons

During their time at our school, we take children swimming with the aim of all children meeting the expectations set out in the National Curriculum for PE.  

Children swim for half a school year during their time in Years 4, 5 and 6.  

Activity beyond PE Lessons 

We have a range of ways in which we aim to keep children engaged in activity.  These include:

- Skip to be Fit

- Having active play leaders who are represented on the school council.  They organise structured activities at break and lunch times to support children to achieve their 30 active minutes per day. 

- Taking part in a range of sporting competitions and festivals.

- Having a clear plan of residential visits, so children can take part in outdoor adventurous activities. 

- Planning Forest Schools activities for children in Years 1, 3 and 5. 

- Attending Pleasley Vale outdoor activity centre during the pupils' time in KS2.  

- Ensuring there is a range of activities / equipment out at lunchtimes to promote activity. 

- Arranging after-school sessions - including dance, gym and general sports club.

- Arranging an annual sports day when the morning team work sessions are led by our Year 6 children and the afternoon is a traditional sports day. 

More information about our co-curricular offer can be found by clicking here

Our Curriculum Overview

Teachers have explored the content in the REAL PE curriculum and decided upon the order they deliver it to their classes.  

The document below shows the curriculum overview for PE within our school. 

SPS PE Curriculum Overview (PDF)

Progression in PE

A range of progression documents linking to our PE sessions have been produced by REAL PE.  We are unable to publish these on the school website, however, the subject leader would be happy to discuss this with parents and carers on request.  

Monitoring the impact of teaching in PE

We understand the importance of teaching high quality PE lessons to all children and leaders monitor the impact of teaching in a variety of ways. 

Importantly, the subject leader spends time in classes - seeing what the children are learning, talking to pupils about their understanding and views about PE and talking to staff about the learning sequence they are following in PE. 

A range of methods are used to gather information about the impact of teaching in PE.  This is collated and shared with staff.

Assessment Data

Staff assess children against the curriculum intent statements each year.  Information is centred around determining which children are not yet at the expected standard and who are very secure within the expected standard.  This provides us with information to inform our future teaching.   

PE at home

We do not set homework as such for PE.  However, each term class teachers send home a homework menu linked to their current topic and these sometimes include options related to PE. 

We plan activities in school to support children in achieving 30 minutes of their active minutes per day.  It is expected that the other 30 minutes take place out of school. 

We take a very keen interest in learning about the clubs and activities children are part of out of school.  During celebration assemblies, children regularly share information about achievements out of school.