Class 4
Our class is made up of Year 5 and 6 pupils, Mr Horton as class teacher and Mrs Wigley and Miss Mathison as teaching assistants.
This class page is designed to give a brief overview of what we are covering in class. We share more detailed information about what we get up to using the Class Dojo app. Parents can request login details via their child's class teacher.
Websites that will help your child at home
- Here is our personalised link for Accelerated Reader. Make sure you complete your quiz within 48 hours of finishing your books.
- Here is your link to myON where you can read books online and add to your word count and points! Use the same login you use for Accelerated Reader.
- To practice your weekly spellings.
- To recap your learning in maths this week.
- To learn all of your times tables.
- For any extra homework tasks.
Class 4 Topics
Our topics 2023-2024:
Topic 1 - Autumn Term 2023:
‘Heroes and Villains - WW2’
This term our whole school topic is called: “Heroes and Villains”. In Class 4, this means learning about the causes and consequences of WW2. World War II, also called the Second World War was a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China.
The war was in many respects a continuation of the disputes left unsettled by World War I. The 40,000,000–50,000,000 deaths incurred in World War II make it the bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history. Recent events in the news make an understanding of power, conflict and propaganda essential aspects of the history curriculum.
In science, we will be focusing on computer science where we will explore the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. We will find out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed.
Topic 2 - Autumn 2 2023 and Spring 1 2024:
‘Improve Our World - Antarctic’
This half term our whole school topic is called: “Improve Our World”. In Class 4, this means learning about Climate Change, Global Warming and the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. Our generation of young people are more interested than ever before about sustainability, climate change and doing the right thing for our planet. Also in this topic, we will be reading the book “Shackleton’s Journey” and learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton, one of the most inspirational polar explorers in history, who never actually reached his goal - the South Pole. We will be writing our own narratives based on his inspirational journey.
Topic 3 - Spring 2 and Summer 1 2024:
'Who makes the rules? Crime and Punishment’
This half term our whole school topic is called: “Who Makes the Rules?” In Class 4, this means learning about the history of crime and punishment in Britain since 1066. In this history topic we will be sensitively analysing the causes, consequences and changes to the laws made during the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, Victorian and modern-day periods as well as debating and discussing which types of punishments are most effective and which time period would’ve been the worst time to be a criminal.
In Science, we will be learning about light. The children will consolidate their knowledge of light gained in Class 3. They extend this understanding by learning about how light travels in straight lines. They will learn how we see, by understanding light travels from the light source to an object and then reflects to our eyes. Children consider why shadows have the same shape as the object that made them. Children may also explore rainbows, colours in bubbles and light appearing to bend in water.
Below is a knowledge organiser showing the key areas of learning you should aim to know by the end of the topic.
Topic 4 - Summer Term 2024:
‘Living in the Past - Ancient Greece'
This half term our whole school topic is called: “Living in the past”. In Class 4, this means learning about the culture and achievements of the Ancient Greek civilization. The ancient Greek civilisation have had a huge impact on our modern culture and we will be primary and secondary sources to understand what life was like in this period and name some ancient Greek ideas and developments that still influence us today. During the topic we will also be comparing the achievements of the city-states of Sparta and Athens, learning about the Greek's polytheistic beliefs and using this knowledge to inspire our own Greek myths.
In science, we will be learning about evolution and inheritance. Evolution is the way that living things change over time. The first person who explained how evolution happens was Charles Darwin with his scientific theory of natural selection. This theory is widely regarded to be one of the most ground-breaking ideas in human history.
Our topics 2024-2025:
Topic 1 - Autumn Term 2024:
‘Know your Place - Mining’
We will spend some time at the start of the term settling back in to life at school. Our new whole school topic is based on the local area, so we are learning about mining. Many of the villages around our school were mining communities and many people in your families might have worked in those mines. For this topic, we will take two half terms - meaning it will run until Christmas. This will give us time to cover lots of aspects of the topic in depth.
We will learn:
- To use map work skills to identify where coal seams are, as well as using 6 figure grid references.
- About a timeline related to mining and coal use.
- About why coal was important.
- What life was like in mines.
- About the mining strikes and pit disasters.
- To consider the future of coal and renewable energy sources.
- About the work of the Pitmen Painters.
Below is a knowledge organiser showing the key areas of learning you should aim to know by the end of the topic. Click on the link below to see our knowledge organiser for the topic.
Topic 2 - Autumn 2 2024 and Spring 1 2025:
‘Traders and Raiders - After the Romans to 1066’
This term we learnt about the period of British history from the time after the Romans up to the battle of Hastings in 1066. This was a time of great change and chaos as an abundance of settlers and invaders migrated to the land we now call “England”.
We learnt:
- Why the Romans left Britain
- Comparing the migration of people in the present day to people during this period
- Who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they settled in Britain
- What we have learnt from the Anglo-Saxons
- The impact of Viking invasions
- The struggle for power
- Anglo-Saxon manuscripts and illuminated letters
Below is a knowledge organiser showing the key areas of learning you should aim to know by the end of the topic. Click on the link below to see our knowledge organiser for the topic.
Topic 3 - Spring 2 and Summer 1 2025:
'Road Trip: USA!’
This term we learnt about the third largest nation on Earth: The United States of America. The USA is a diverse, multi-cultural country; its economy is the largest in the world. During this topic we wrote travel brochures for someone who wanted to visit this amazing country.
We learnt about the country's:
- States and regions
- Climates, biomes and landscapes
- Famous cities, landmarks and attractions
- National parks
- History - In relation to the Native Americans and European colonisation.
Below is a knowledge organiser showing the key areas of learning you should aim to know by the end of the topic. Click on the link below to see our knowledge organiser for the topic.
Topic 4 - Summer Term 2025:
‘Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds'
In this term we learnt about what it means to be healthy – both in body and mind! The children learnt about the impact of diet and exercise on the body and will also be focusing on ways to manage their mental health. These are areas which have never been more important as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As part of their work with food, the children will be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.
We will be learning about:
- The circulatory system
- The impact of exercise, diet, drugs and lifestyle on the body
- The risks associated with not having a healthy balanced diet
- How to cook a healthy, savoury dish using: frying, mashing, cutting, grating, boiling and simmering techniques.
- Mental health - What it is and how things can have a positive and negative impact on this.
- Habits - Both positive and negative
- The impact of social media on mental health, including online safety.
Below is a knowledge organiser showing the key areas of learning you should aim to know by the end of the topic. Click on the link below to see our knowledge organiser for the topic.